I’m Hannah.

Welcome to my story: here to help you tell yours.

Hannah Hughes Business Coach

Nice to meet you!

I’m a wife, mama, and friend from a small town just outside Fort Worth, Texas.
You can usually catch me hanging out at a local coffee shop, playing board games with my family, or curled up with a good book and a chai latte.

I’ve always been pretty ambitious. Even as a kid, I was writing stories and practicing songs for my someday broadway audition. When I get an idea, I can’t help but wonder, “What if...?”

Hannah Hughes Business Coach

back to chapter 1…

I was an ambitious 20-something, hustling my way toward success. I had written and self-published two books, traveled the world, and experienced a lot of amazing things, but I knew God had more for me. I wanted to make a difference and do something that really matters with my life. But how?

I was passionate, but I was also overwhelmed and feeling stuck.
Maybe you’ve felt that same tension:
I know God put these dreams in my heart for a reason and I (mostly) believe it’s possible, so how do I get from here to there?

Trust me when I say I get it:
Dreaming is magical. I know the thrill of goal-setting and vision-casting, but I also know (maybe too well) the feeling of discouragement when other people just don’t get it. I know what it’s like to put yourself out there and come up empty handed. I know about the late nights and burnout and wondering if it’s even worth it. I know the sting of vulnerability, but I also know the freedom.

I believe that our lives are the stewardship of God’s dreams in the earth, and our passions are the roadmap to a life of fulfillment, serving and connecting with others, and ultimately, glorifying God in a way that no one else can.
I believe you were created on purpose, for a purpose, and I want to help you live it out with confidence!

Hannah Hughes Business Coach

fast forward to the good part…

It was time for a change.

I was exhausted from all the time and energy I had spent racing toward my dreams, and now I saw what I couldn’t before. Although I’m thankful that I was driven, I was so focused on achieving my own goals that I was missing the point: “Getting there” doesn’t really amount to anything if I’m not bringing anyone with me. I had lost the joy that comes from inviting others into my story.

Today, By Words is doing just that. We are a community of passionate women living purposeful lives as we tell our stories and pursue our God-given dreams to leave a mark on this world - for our good and His glory.

I’m on a mission to help dreamers find hope and purpose in the process.
This is my story, and I want to help you to tell yours.